Live masterclass

Navigating economic challenges: Your agency’s 10 resilience pillars

What does a resilient agency look like? How do you build a more resilient service business? Join us for a live masterclass with our guest speaker Fran Vižintin from Productive on June 26th, 2024 @14:00 CET to find out.

Fran Niklas

Here’s what we will talk about:

  • Forecasting
  • Technology and efficiencies 
  • Client Concentration and Retention 
  • Steady Cash Flow
  • Recurring Revenue 
  • Dedicated Sales Team
  • Marketing
  • Clearly Defined Pricing
  • Knowing When (Not) To Hire
  • Zooming In on Profitability (and Overheads)

Fran Vižintin – Productive

In the past 3 years, Fran has spoken and worked with over 1,100 agencies on how to boost their efficiency, profitability and predictability. He will share his insights and knowledge, plus give tips on the data that can help you keep your agency resilient.

Productive is an agency management software in which businesses streamline all their operations by replacing multiple tools with one platform. The tool serves as a single source of truth for your agency’s sales funnel, resource planning, budgeting, team communication and collaboration on projects, financial data and billing.


Niklas Dorn – Filestage

Niklas Dorn is the Co-founder and CEO of the review and approval software, Filestage. He holds a master’s degree in Electronic Media and has specialized in media and web technologies.

Filestage is a content review and collaboration software for marketing teams, agencies, and media companies. Over 900 Filestage customers worldwide include names such as Kärcher, Sixt, Sharp, GroupM, and PublicisHealth.