Marketing compliance software designed for your approval process

Filestage lets you create consistent and customizable review processes for every project. So you can collect feedback, ensure regulatory compliance, and publish marketing content with confidence.

  • 7-day free trial
  • No credit card needed
  • GDPR compliant
marketing compliance software header
compare versions

Protect your brand’s reputation in record time

Collect fast, accurate, and transparent feedback
Create comments, markers, and annotations to maintain brand consistency with ease.

Compare versions side by side to verify changes
Refer back to previous versions to make sure every comment has been actioned.

meet regulatory compliance

Meet regulatory guidelines across every project

Create a dedicated reviewer group for regulatory compliance
Loop your compliance and legal teams into your review process automatically.

Track all your creative content in one dashboard
Ensure marketing compliance across all your creative assets – from videos to websites.

password protection

Set up safeguards to protect your content

Control access to your creative assets
Use password-protected links and email verification to choose who can see your files.

Disable downloads until files are approved
Make sure none of your files can be published until they’re approved by your compliance team.

The marketing compliance software that supports all your content

Designs and mockups

Get consolidated feedback on all your design files, so you can save time juggling emails.

Play, video, media, conent, blog, article

Videos and commercials

Tap anywhere to pause videos and add comments and annotations, giving creators full context.

Approve, review, image, check

Websites and UX design

Make feedback easy and intuitive for your clients, instead of sharing designs with complex UX tools.

Social media posts

Review content calendars and assets in one place so you can always find the files you need.

Blog articles

Loop in key stakeholders from compliance to make sure long-form content is clear and accurate.

Emails and CRM

Share email sequences and campaigns to make feedback easier and more visual.

Keep a record of approvals

Keep a record of every comment and approval

Revisit previous versions in seconds
Access old discussions and decisions to hold stakeholders accountable.

Export file reports for auditing
Keep a record of comments and approvals with timestamps on your system.


Streamline marketing compliance with automations

Loop in the right people at the right times
Use automations to start your compliance review as soon as a file is approved by marketing.

Send automated reminders to reviewers
Nudge your compliance and legal teams for approval to keep projects moving forward.

How our marketing compliance software helps you manage feedback

Checklist, tasks, organisation, review, feedback rounds

Create your project and reviewer groups

Set up your workflow with separate groups for teams or departments.

Upload, data, server

Upload content to your dashboard

Sort your content into sections to keep your projects organized.

Document, text, file, review rounds, feedback, comments

Invite reviewers to give feedback

Add reviewers or send a link, then they’ll be kept up to date automatically.

Discuss ideas for the next version

Agree on the next steps in context so everyone’s always on the same page.

Approve, check, done, review

Share new versions until you get approval

Develop your content until everyone in your first reviewer group is happy.

Repeat for the remaining reviewer groups

Keep sharing new versions until everyone gives you the green light.

How Filestage saves time for you and your compliance team

Document, text, file, review rounds, feedback, comments

Consolidate feedback automatically

See everyone’s comments in one place, instead of juggling email chains.

Minimize versions and review rounds

Make sure everyone knows which version is the latest (and greatest)!

Add comments on top of your content

Use intuitive tools like highlights and annotations to add feedback in seconds.

Compare, feedback, designs, images

Compare versions and comments side by side

Save time searching through your inbox to check what you said about the last version.

Document, review, complete, approve

Tick off feedback as you work on new edits

Turn comments into to-do lists to keep track of what’s been done.

due date, comeplete, calendar

Send reviewers automated reminders

Add due dates and make sure feedback is on time with automated reminders.

Marketing compliance software that gives you peace of mind

Filestage is packed with security features that put you in full control of your review process. Password-protect your content, restrict downloads, and anonymize feedback – all in a couple of clicks.

And with full GDPR compliance, AES 256-bit encryption, and ISO 27017 certified EU servers, you can rest assured that your data is in good hands.

Your marketing compliance questions, answered

What is marketing compliance software?

Marketing compliance software is any tool that helps teams meet their regulatory guidelines by improving internal processes. For Filestage, it’s all about ensuring marketing compliance throughout the review process so that creative content can be published with confidence.

What types of companies use Filestage for marketing compliance?

Filestage is popular with brands and businesses in regulated industries, including financial institutions like Rabobank. It enables users in these industries to review any type of content in a streamlined and compliant way.

What file formats can you review and approve with Filestage?

Our marketing compliance software supports all the most popular file formats for your campaigns. You can review videos, images, designs, documents, PDFs, audio files, live websites, and interactive HTML.

How do you invite your legal and compliance teams to Filestage?

Our marketing compliance software lets you invite any reviewers by entering their email addresses or copying a review link into an email or chat tool. You can invite an unlimited number of reviewers to Filestage, for free!

How does Filestage track approvals?

In Filestage, your project dashboard shows status indicators for each of your reviewers. Then, when they request changes or approve your file, their indicator will turn orange or green. So you can see everyone’s status at a glance.

The stage is set

Start for free, upgrade anytime. No credit card needed.