Success stories

See how teams are making complex approval processes clearer and faster

2.3 million

people have used Filestage to speed up their content reviews


comments are posted on documents and creative assets every day

212 countries

are represented by team members and reviewers in our platform


“Filestage is constantly evolving and partners or team members who use the software for the first time navigate through it easily”

Hanno Heintze, Direct Affairs and Marketing Operations

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What our customers are saying

Caro Berlinghof

Senior Concept Developer & Project Manager at CAMAO

“With Filestage, we have the whole review process in one tool. That means no emails, no PowerPoint presentations with screenshots, and most importantly: happy users on both sides.”

Ashlee L.

Graphic Design Contractor

“Perfect for projects that need to be reviewed. You can mark exactly where you would like to make a comment, mark the revision as complete, respond to comments and get emailed when revisions have been made. The categorization of files and who can review is very helpful as well. It’s easy to stay organized and communicate clearly.”

Dan Q.

Head of Marketing

“Perfect solution for remote/global design collaboration.”
Karina Berner

Karina Berner

Creative Production Specialist at Sartorius

“Filestage saves our company a huge amount of time. Instead of writing detailed instructions over email, reviewers can just click on a file to add comments in context. This makes everything faster – from giving feedback, to managing the process, to making edits before sharing the next version.”

Sarah Chen

Copy Director/Medical Director at Publicis Health France

“As an agency, we strive to create and foster an environment that encourages partnership with clients – rather than a service provider way of working. Filestage helps us to nourish the working relationship we have with our clients.”

Lisa Weißer

Social Media & Performance Manager at Rabobank

“Filestage has made our approval process enormously easier. Feedback can be given exactly at the point in the text, image, or video where it needs to be implemented.”

Sandra M.

Senior Director

“Filestage has been most helpful for working with graphic designers and writers working on client content. It has been a great platform to share comments, notes and finalize approvals. Filestage is great because it accepts all different file formats from videos to audio, to graphic design. The whole team can come to one place to review any design content.”

Naeran Rubio

Associate Director of Content & Communications at Sharp

“The process has become much more automated and simple. Our designer simply uploads the video, sends it to the group, and everyone is able to comment and select the area where the changes need to happen.”

Rain Balares

INCA Lead, GroupM

“Filestage has reduced our team’s daily email inbox by 25-30%. Since our inboxes are not swamped by these emails about content approvals anymore, we can focus on other important tasks for the day.”

Zsolt Arnodi

Digital Communication Specialist at B. Braun

“Our review turnaround time has significantly improved. As Filestage offers many file formats, we can easily review all kinds of content formats without any issues.”
Kimberly Cook

Kimberly Cook

Founder at Blue Pen Resumes

“At the end of the day, my vision was to build the best healthcare resume-writing service with a world-class client experience that was frustration-free and seamless at all touchpoints. Which is exactly what we’ve been able to achieve with Filestage.”
Mark Stern

Mark Stern

CEO at Custom Box Agency

“Filestage has been such a game changer to us. It became our centralized platform for clients to go in and review and approve everything we upload.”
Donald Chan

Donald Chan

Founder at IMPACT Brand Communications

“Filestage allowed us to create a more efficient and effective workflow. I would say that we save 20% of our time on a day to day basis simply by reducing the time we spend on emailing back and forth with the clients”

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