Thieme runs anonymous peer reviews in parallel for faster crowd reviews

About Thieme

Thieme is an award-winning international medical and science publisher for health professionals and students.



Explore Filestage for peer reviews


  • Let multiple experts review a manuscript at the same time
  • Collect real-time comments on documents
  • Anonymize comments from peer reviewers

Favorite features

  • Review links to share files for peer review over email
  • Export review reports containing all the comments in one PDF
  • Upload and manage files with ease
Explore Filestage for peer reviews

What problems did you face within your review and approval process of scientific papers before using Filestage?

Our approval process refers to the review of scientific publications. These are anonymously reviewed in peer reviews where authors and reviewers may not identify each other.

With our previously used review process, it was not possible for multiple experts to review anonymously one manuscript at the same time while also being able to view and comment on that document in real-time.

How has Filestage helped you solve this problem and thus simplify the review process?

Filestage is continually developing its platform further, also in close collaboration with us. One important step for us was to simplify the workflow for anonymous reviews significantly, which also makes the work for our editors much easier.

So thanks to Filestage it is for the first time possible for us to set up an anonymized Select Crowd Review process.

“With Filestage we have found an intuitive and easy option to realize our concept of Select Crowd Reviews for scientific publications as a new review process to replace the classic peer review.”

Dr. Peter Henning, Editor and Project Manager

Can you describe what a typical approval process looks like by using Filestage?

The editor creates a new project in Filestage and uploads the manuscript that needs to be reviewed. With a BCC serial email, he invites the reviewers of the selected expert crowd for the anonymous review.

The members of the crowd can access the manuscript to be reviewed via the link in the email. After the login to Filestage, they can review the document anonymously and leave their feedback. After reaching the set deadline, the editor can further process the manuscript based on the received feedback.

Is there a specific feature in Filestage which you appreciate the most?

It’s convenient that all annotations to a manuscript can be exported to a PDF document. This gives a good overview of the results of the Select Crowd Review.

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