Save time and stay in the loop with automations

Set up triggers and actions to keep your projects moving forward. And add automations to your project templates to minimize manual work.

  • 7-day free trial
  • No credit card needed
  • GDPR compliant
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Nudge reviewers for approval

Nudge reviewers for approval without lifting a finger

Struggling to get your reviewers to finish their reviews in time? With automations, you can set a due date for each file and send automated reminders as the due date gets closer. No more dragging your reviewers by their sleeves and stressing about meeting deadlines.

Assign due dates

Assign due dates automatically to get approval on time

Our report shows that it takes somewhere between eight and 10 days to get a piece of content approved. With Filestage, you can automatically assign due dates for a set number of days in the future. So whether it’s tomorrow, the next day, or the day after that, you can get approval on time every time.

Add automations to templates

Add automations to templates to minimize manual work

In Filestage, you can set up project templates to prepopulate your reviewer groups, reviewers, and sections each time you create a project. And these can include automations too, saving valuable time every time you create a new project!

Rain Balares

INCA Lead, GroupM

Filestage has reduced our team’s daily email inbox by 25-30%

Since our inboxes are not swamped by these emails about content approvals anymore, we can focus on other important tasks for the day.

See all success stories

Zsolt Arnodi

Digital Communication Specialist, B. Braun

Our review turnaround time has significantly improved

As Filestage offers many file formats, we can easily review all kinds of content formats without any issues.

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Naeran Rubio

Associate Director of Content & Communications, Sharp

The process has become much more automated and simple

Our designer simply uploads the video, sends it to the group, and everyone is able to comment and select the area where the changes need to happen.

See all success stories
Update file statuses

Update file statuses when reviewers request changes

With Filestage, you can use your stakeholders’ review decisions as triggers for automated actions. So when someone adds feedback and clicks “Request changes”, the file’s status will update to “Needs changes” in your dashboard – instantly.

Start the next reviewer group

Start the next reviewer group the moment a file is approved

Save time and admin between reviewer groups with automations. The moment a file is approved in one reviewer group (e.g. Internal), Filestage will automatically share it with your next set of reviewers (e.g. External). So you can get approval faster and spend more time focusing on what you do best.

The stage is set

Start for free, upgrade anytime. No credit card needed.