
Minimize printing errors and costs with artwork proofing software

Set up a consistent design review process for collecting feedback and catching mistakes, saving your organization thousands in reprinting costs.

  • 7-day free trial
  • No credit card needed
  • GDPR compliant
project dashboard artwork

Tim Simonsen

Marketing Director at Queisser Pharma

The accessibility of the system makes it very easy to provide feedback on creative advertising and packaging materials

I appreciate the open comment function. It has led to a positive culture change towards transparent collaboration within the company and also between agencies and our company.

See all success stories
Thomas F

Thomas F.

Marketing Manager

Clever and easy-to-use correction and comment tool for decentralized teams

We use the tool to correct our print media. Marketing experts, salespeople, and product managers can correct, comment, and contribute their expertise quickly and effectively.

See all success stories
Zsolt Arnodi

Zsolt Arnodi

Digital Communication Specialist, B. Braun

Our review turnaround time has significantly improved

Filestage helps us reduce long email threads and revision loops by working more interactively and collaboratively.

See all success stories

MacKenzie J.

Excellent tool for design review and collaboration

Filestage keeps projects moving forward. We can easily see when we have the green light to send projects to print. We have collaborators joining on projects from multiple locations, so Filestage brings us all together under one digital roof.

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project dashboard brochure

Create a standardized artwork approval process for your print assets

Make sure every file gets approved by the right people

Set up your workflow, then relax knowing that nothing will go out the door without getting approval.

Invite agencies to upload content to your internal approval process

Give agency collaborators access to share files, respond to feedback, and upload new versions.

Packaging design review

Collect collaborative feedback right alongside your designs

Get clear and accurate feedback that’s easy to action

Create markers, draw annotations, share attachments, and reply to comments – all in one place.

Set due dates so reviewers know when feedback is expected

Send automated due date reminders to make sure feedback arrives on time, every time.

artwork side by side

Compare versions and comments to verify that feedback has been met

Auto-compare versions to highlight text changes in your designs

Cut review time by focusing on what’s been added and removed between versions.

Make it easy for reviewers to find the latest version

Keep a centralized history for every file, with clear alerts for anyone viewing an old version.

Track your approval process from your project dashboard

Reviewer groups


Due dates



Review decisions

Review statuses

  • Set up a standardized workflow for every file in your project
  • Invite reviewers to make sure every file gets approved by the right people
  • Save workflows as templates to reuse across multiple creative projects
Reviewer groups artwork
  • Share and manage all your files from your project dashboard
  • Centralize reviews from Adobe Creative Cloud and other design tools
  • Use sections to organize content by channel or format
Packaging files
  • Set due dates so reviewers know when their feedback is expected
  • Send automated reminders as the due date approaches
  • Sort pending reviews by due date to focus on files with the tightest deadline
Due dates artwork
  • Upload new versions on top of your existing files
  • Check each file’s version history from your dashboard
  • Compare versions side by side to see what’s changes
Packaging versions
  • Open a review to see the latest feedback in that reviewer group
  • Use comment threads to discuss ideas right alongside your files
  • Automatically remind reviewers to give feedback as the due date approaches
Feedback on packaging design
  • Approve a file or request changes with a single click
  • See who’s given their approval or requested changes at a glance
  • Keep a record of who approved what for future auditing
Review decisions
  • Manually update review statuses based on feedback and review decisions
  • Make it clear which files need changes and are ready to be worked on
  • Automatically share a version with the next reviewer group when it’s approved
ses consumer goods dashboard
Get support from an expert (1)

Book a demo with one of our artwork and design experts

Hop on a guided tour with an expert who gets your use case

Learn how Capri-Sun, Sartorius, and Cofresco review their artwork content with Filestage.

Share your pain points and see how Filestage solves them

We’ll show you how to track approvals, centralize feedback, compare versions, and more.

Pick a time

Connect Filestage with your favorite apps

Automate your workflow with our native and custom Zapier integrations.

Project management

Assign review tasks to your teammates and track file statuses in your project management tool.


Share files, comments, and review decisions in your favorite channels and spaces.

Content creation

Upload files and see comments in your content creation tools, so you can iterate and get approval faster.

And many more!

Create custom integrations in Zapier, turn marketing request forms into projects, and more.

FAQs about artwork proofing software

What is online proofing?

Online proofing is the process of managing files, versions, feedback, and approvals in a centralized tool. In the same way you use project management software for tasks and messenger apps for team chat, online proofing tools help you manage your review and approval process. This improves workflow efficiency by removing messy email reviews from the creative process.

Where does proofing software fit in the creative process?

Online proofing software bridges the gap between creative tools and asset management platforms. This replaces the chaotic process of sharing files and consolidating feedback over email, so you can keep everyone on the same page and minimize costly mistakes.

How does Filestage help marketers and project managers?

Filestage helps marketing teams and project managers to make sure that creative assets and artwork files go through the right review and approval process. You can create workflows with dedicated reviewer groups for different types of stakeholders. For example, brand managers can check colors, style, and messaging to maintain brand consistency, while legal experts can check that any claims in your content are compliant.

How does Filestage help creative teams?

Filestage helps creative teams to enhance collaboration by having a centralized view of everyone’s feedback, right alongside their files. The creative team can reply to comments from brand managers, product experts, and compliance, instead of getting second-hand information from project and marketing managers. And with our handy to-do list feature, they can tick off each comment while working on the next version to make sure nobody’s feedback is missed.

What file formats can you share in Filestage?

Filestage’s review tool supports a wide range of formats for your designs and packaging artwork, including PDF, PSD, PSB, AI, and TIFF. You can also share videos, images, websites, audio, and interactive HTML, helping to centralize all your content reviews. To find out more, check out our full list of supported formats.

How does version control work in Filestage?

In Filestage, new versions are uploaded on top of your existing files. On your dashboard, you’ll see a dropdown menu for each file, making it easy to revisit previous versions and comments. You can also download file reports containing everyone’s comments and timestamped review decisions, perfect for keeping comprehensive audit trails for your artwork content.

The stage is set

Start for free, upgrade anytime. No credit card needed.