10 LinkedIn post ideas to create a buzz around your business in 2024 

LinkedIn is a hive of activity. From job postings and sales pitches to shared opinions and industry news. 

With over 930 million LinkedIn profiles set up around the world, the platform is a bustling place for professionals, businesses, and brands alike. But to really harness the platform’s power, you need to stand out from the noise. And one of the best ways to do this is by posting shareable content that gets more people thinking and talking. 

So, to get the juices flowing, let’s look at these 10 inspiring LinkedIn post ideas for businesses, with examples from both B2C and B2B. But first, here are just a few of the benefits of posting on LinkedIn for businesses and brands. 

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Key benefits of posting on LinkedIn 

LinkedIn comes with a lot of benefits for businesses. The platform is home to a highly-engaged audience, from industry leaders to key decision makers. So by sharing high-quality content, you can get your businesses noticed by the right people.

Let’s look at three perks of growing your LinkedIn presence through clever, consistent posts. Or if you’re interested in publishing a blog post on LinkedIn, check out our guide to LinkedIn articles.

1. Build trust and credibility 

LinkedIn is a trusted source of information. Unlike other forms of social media, LinkedIn is less associated with exaggerated product claims and over-the-top marketing. It’s a place for growing knowledge and making mutually beneficial connections. So, people will automatically pay that bit more attention when you post content on the platform. 

The key to building trust, credibility, and a loyal following is consistency. Posting regularly shows that your business is reliable. A very valuable trait in the eyes of potential customers and clients. 

2. Chances to work with influencers 

Posting regularly on LinkedIn can open up lots of doors to influencers and leaders in your industry. These people have an established reputation and a large, loyal following. Which means they could help you reach new audiences and generate leads. 

Building connections with influencers in your field also makes it easier to ask for their advice or guidance regarding the industry itself, and even about how to master your content creation process

3. Gather useful insights 

LinkedIn uses analytics tools that will help you track post performance, engagement rates, follower demographics, and lots more. These findings can then help you refine your LinkedIn content strategy and understand what resonates most with your audience at that time.

Analytics aside, thanks to the engaged nature of LinkedIn users, it’s easier for your posts to start meaningful, thought-provoking conversations. The comments section alone can give great insight into the lives of your audience.

Five LinkedIn post ideas for B2C brands

While LinkedIn differs from other forms of social media in terms of the type and style of content, it’s important to never lose sight of the fact that you’re talking to real people whenever you post on LinkedIn. 

That’s why understanding your target audience is key. Who are they? What do they care about? How do they spend their time, both on and off the platform? Tailoring your LinkedIn posts to your audience is the best way to grow your following, and your business. 

The next challenge is to create some knockout content for your audience.  And I’ve got five fantastic post ideas and examples to get you started:

  1. Go behind the scenes
  2. Employee spotlights  
  3. Throwbacks
  4. Thought-provoking questions 
  5. Nuggets of knowledge

And if you’re looking for paid ad inspiration, check out my roundup of the best LinkedIn ads.

Now, let’s take a closer look! 

1. Behind the scenes: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines 

LinkedIn post idea

Source: LinkedIn 

If you’re looking for lots of first-class content ideas in one LinkedIn page, I’d strongly suggest heading over to KLM’s company page. They know how to use the platform. And they do it very well.

One example is their behind-the-scenes content. Their ‘Intern on a Mission’ series takes LinkedIn users on a journey through different parts of the air travel industry. These posts are super interesting, giving an insight into all the work, passion, and expertise that it takes to fly passengers around the world. Travel advertising, eat your heart out! 

Behind-the-scenes posts are great for LinkedIn because they tap into people’s desire to learn something new on the platform. They’re educational and informative. Something interesting to share and comment on. 

They also help potential and existing customers feel more connected to your business and what it entails. A highly-valuable tactic for building trust and excitement for your product or service. 

The beauty of this type of post is that it doesn’t need to be slick and highly produced. You could simply shoot it on your phone if you wanted to. The more candid the better.

2. Employee spotlights: Madewell

Madewell LinkedIn post

Source: LinkedIn

Another great way to make people feel more connected to your business is by introducing them to your employees with regular employee spotlight posts. 

When consumers learn about the people behind your products and services, it deepens their connection to your brand and can boost brand loyalty. Spotlights act as a window into your company culture. Sharing employees’ interests, hobbies, and values shows the positive environment your brand creates. 

As with all of these LinkedIn content ideas, you can put your own spin on your employee spotlights. Use them to highlight lesser known aspects of your business. Or to showcase your brand values and how your employees embody them through their work. Lots of fun to have with this one. Plus, what employee doesn’t like to be recognized for their hard work?

3. Throwbacks: Netflix

Netflix LinkedIn post

Source: Linkedin

A trip down memory lane isn’t just for personal accounts. Nostalgia is a strong emotion that can strengthen people’s positive emotions towards your brand. 

These moments could be funny, factual, or emotive. This one from Netflix celebrates the anniversary of one of the platform’s first ever shows. But yours could be even more personal for a unique insight into your brand’s past. 

And it’s not just about warm, fuzzy feels. Throwback posts are a fun way to highlight your brand’s journey, and the growth you’ve gone through over the years. It’s a way to show how far you’ve come, which can be really inspiring for your audience.

These posts also just give your audience a welcome break from all the biz talk that they’re used to seeing on LinkedIn, while still staying on-brand. A great way to make you stand out from the crowd. 

4. Thought-provoking questions: Meta

Meta LinkedIn post

Source: Linkedin

You want your LinkedIn text posts to spark conversations, right? Well, there’s really no need to beat around the bush when you can simply pose a question to your audience. 

This idea is as effective as it is easy to execute. You’re directly asking people to comment on your post without even having to use the words. This is a great way to gain traction and a wider reach by boosting interaction and engagement. It also makes a nice change for your audience to show genuine curiosity about their opinions on a topic that’s not related to your products or services. 

Meta does this very well, peppering their LinkedIn content with questions related to work, life, and sometimes, their company values. This, right here, is the key to pulling off the idea for your own brand. Your questions need to be far away from your business to feel human and authentic. But close enough so that they make sense for your brand and the platform as a whole. 

5. Nuggets of knowledge: Google

Google LinkedIn post

Source: LinkedIn

Do your followers a favor with quick, useful tips and bite-sized bits of educational content. This example from Google is great because it taps into a real pain point for its audience. 

Breaking tech jargon down into simple terms, the brand shows understanding and empathy by making the digital world accessible for all. This, of course, has a positive knock-on effect by widening the brand’s reach and growing its audience. 

Simple, educational content like this also allows you to tap into trending topics which help to build brand relevance. And, most importantly, when your audience gets real value from your content, they’re more likely to remember your brand in a positive light. This can create boosted brand loyalty and, if you’re lucky, more conversions or referrals from your audience.

Five LinkedIn post ideas for B2B brands

As a professional networking platform, LinkedIn is a place where meaningful, valuable B2B connections can thrive. But crafting effective LinkedIn posts for a B2B audience involves a slightly different approach compared to targeting B2C. 

Understanding your target audience is still top priority. But in the world of B2B, this understanding isn’t so much about individual preferences and interests. It’s about the collective goals and challenges of an organization instead.

Let’s look at these five great B2B LinkedIn content ideas that can help boost engagement among busy companies and organizations. 

  • Industry insights and trends 
  • Polls 
  • Pro tips and hacks 
  • Pop culture posts 
  • Content recommendations 

1. Industry insights and trends: Tata consultancy services 

Tata consultancy LinkedIn post

Source: LinkedIn

Like everything else, Industries are always evolving. And one way to stay top of mind (and feed) for your B2B audience is by sharing industry insights and trends. 

Not only do these kinds of LinkedIn posts position you as a thought leader in the field and a source of reliable, useful information. They also spark interactions and set your brand apart as proactive and passionate about helping others navigate your world. 

There are lots of ways to put your own spin on this type of LinkedIn content, depending on how much time you can invest. You might create infographics, short videos, simple written posts, or a combination. Just remember, keeping things clear and simple is key. 

2. Polls: Accenture

Accenture LinkedIn post

Source: LinkedIn

LinkedIn posts are not a one-way form of communication. Not when they’re done right, at least. You want your posts to give you an insight into your audience. And to engage with them in new ways. Polls hit all of these B2B birds with one stone. 

When you pose a question through a poll, you invite your audience to actively share their opinions. This engagement can lead to more comments, likes, and shares. The sheer speed and simplicity is also a big perk. All folk have to do is click their chosen answer and hey presto! 

Last but definitely not least, the information you gather from these polls can help you create more tailored posts in the future. Needless to say, this can have great results for long-term engagement. 

3. Pro tips and hacks: Johnson & Johnson

Johnson&Johnson LinkedIn post

Source: LinkedIn

If you’re an expert in your industry, why not share some useful pointers with your audience? This goes back to the importance of tapping into your audience’s pain points. A tactic which applies to large businesses as well as individual consumers. 

Of course, including tips and hacks in your LinkedIn posts shows your expertise. But more importantly, it shows that you truly care about your audience. You want to solve their problems and make life that bit easier. And this is the kind of business that clients look to work with. 

4. Pop culture posts: Mailchimp

MailChimp LinkedIn post

Source: LinkedIn

Who said that B2C brands get to have all the fun? Pop culture references can help your LinkedIn post stand out from the crowds of traditional businessy content. No matter your target audience, you’re still talking to human beings at the end of the day. And they all crave a break from the same old every now and then. 

Striking the right balance between the reference and the business lesson is key. And when done right, they can help you simplify complex business ideas/tools into something relatable and entertaining.

5. Content recommendations: Deloitte

Deloitte LinkedIn post

Source: LinkedIn

Have you ever thought about recommending books, articles, or podcasts? They can be a great way to build meaningful connections with your network over your shared interests. 

These kinds of posts create content that feels fresh, human, and authentic. Recommendations position you as a thought leader who not only generates original content but also appreciates and shares valuable content from others.

Better yet, if you recommend content from other professionals or businesses, there’s a chance they might share your content in return. Win win! 

Final thoughts

LinkedIn posts are a brilliant way to create buzz around your business. Whether you’re a personal brand or a business owner, I hope this article has given you some inspiration for your LinkedIn content marketing strategy. Mix, match and make them your own. And if you want a seamless way to review your LinkedIn posts, be sure to give Filestage a try →