How to create a marketing request form (free checklist)

A recent (but rather alarming) study from Atlassian found that just 60% of work is spent being productive. What makes up the remaining 40%? The main time-wasting culprit is countless hours spent wading through excessive emails, pointless meetings, and constant interruptions. Sound familiar? If so, your marketing strategy is probably crying out for some organizations. 

So before you allow yet another incomplete marketing request to arrive in your email inbox, put a halt to this stream of back-and-forth marketing discussions. Save yourself (and your team) time, effort, and confusion by using the ultimate lifesaver for marketers: marketing request forms.

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What is a marketing request form and how do you use it?

A marketing request form is a simple way of establishing streamlined communication between your team and others. This form enables the requester to clearly outline specific marketing services, materials, or information they require to execute the projects or services they are working on. 

These requests can come internally from your colleagues within your marketing team, as well as externally from other departments. A request can be written up and submitted by anyone within the company.

Different types of marketing request forms include… 

Marketing project request form – This type of form provides a clear, set template, which members of your team can use to thoroughly detail a new marketing project they wish to request.

Creative request form – These forms can fill in any gaps in your digital or brand asset management strategies, as requesters propose the creation of any required additional assets.

Graphic design request form – If you require a graphic designer to create some assets or marketing tools, this form will help you create a clear brief for any outsourced work.

Marketing event request form – These forms enable a requester to propose the hosting of an event, and they ensure that all the necessary details have been provided to you in full. 

Marketing campaign request form – These forms enable users to outline (in full) a new marketing project or social media campaign.

Other examples of marketing request forms include using a resolution request form, employing a new marketing team member, or requesting an increased budget. These tactics are designed to be flexible, adaptable communication aids that suit the matter at hand. 

While you’re looking to up your marketing game, have a read of our pick of the 33 best types of marketing collateral.

Download our free marketing request form checklist

Fill out the form below to get instant access to our marketing request form checklist.

You can download it to your desktop to check off each item digitally. Or print a copy and keep it on your desk.

What benefits will marketing request forms bring to your work?

Scheduling the introduction of a marketing request form template is a simple, foolproof way to improve your workflow and efficiency across your entire marketing team.

In this section, you’ll find our favorite six benefits that come with implementing this great communication strategy: 

Bring clarity to both sides 

Since these forms benefit both the requester and the implementing person alike, using them means that both individuals are entirely clear about every element of this requested piece of marketing. These forms require the requester to provide all of the key details you could possibly need to turn them into a reality. 

Save time

Building on the point above, these marketing request forms will save you and your team ample amounts of time, as they prevent the need for endless back-and-forth communication that would normally be caused by insufficient or incorrect information. 

Improve your organization on a case-by-case basis

These forms ensure that any marketing request reaches the correct person, which ensures that the request is effectively prioritized. This benefit keeps your whole team organized, and it prevents the frustration that comes with having this request get lost in a sea of emails. 

Keep a clear overview of all marketing requests 

One of the key plus points of integrating the consistent usage of marketing request forms is that they keep all of your proposed marketing projects in the same channel and format. Since they’re easy to find and read, there’s no more wading through numerous emails or printouts. 

Consistently meet your deadlines

The fact that marketing request forms explicitly require users to provide set deadlines will improve your team’s efficiency and time management because these forms immediately make it clear which steps need to be taken next. Also, this benefit ensures that all requests are implemented in due time. 

Keep your prioritization effortless 

While helping you and your team better prioritize the requests that you get coming in, these request forms enable users to include relevant, important notes to you. So you can use these helpful little flags to prioritize and manage your workflow in a far more sophisticated manner.

While you’re at it, upgrade your team’s communication even further by following this article up with a read of our list of the 37 best communication tools that will improve your team’s internal processes and save you time in your daily work. 

Five examples of marketing request forms for different use cases

As we mentioned earlier, you can use marketing request forms to assist with all of the different types of marketing your team engages with. In this section, we have outlined the key information that different types of marketing request forms should include.

1. Marketing project request form by Isenberg School of Management

Marketing Project Request Form by Isenberg School of Management

This example of a marketing project request form from Isenberg School of Management contains a thorough breakdown of all the key information about the request for a new marketing and communications project that the institution requires. 

This form includes details about the individual making a request, what is needed, why it’s needed, the costs, the planned distribution, a deadline, and a breakdown of all the creative elements involved (and the way they can most effectively be created). 

It clearly outlines the information that the institution requires in order to accept (and set about completing) this marketing request. 

2. Creative request form by JotForm 

scout creative request form

JotForm’s creative request form provides a simple, easy-to-use template that contains all the fields needed for users to outline their projects. 

In addition to basic criteria like the requester’s name, department, and email, the form template provides a space for users to describe the project in detail, request specific promotions (or specify the promotion they require, if it’s not on the set list), upload useful files, and even set scheduled delivery dates. 

Also, users can customize this template to best suit their business’ operations.  

3. Graphic design request form by Sampleforms 

Graphic Design Request Form by Sampleforms

This Graphic Design Request Form, created by Sampleforms, provides a handy set of tick-box options, so that users can quickly, easily, and clearly outline their marketing request. 

Specifically, this form was designed for the creation of marketing materials by an external graphic designer. With a clear layout that covers all the information that could possibly be required, this marketing request form ensures that the brief you provide them with is met with ease for both of you. 

If you’d like to learn more about ways to optimize a product brochure design process, take a look at our great step-by-step guide. 

4. Marketing event request form by 123FormBuilder 

Marketing Event Request Form by 123FormBuilder

123FormBuilder has created a Marketing Event Request Form that provides a clear, customizable, publishable template that comes with plenty of perks. 

It provides a slot for all of the basic, necessary information. And the rest of the information can be tailored to suit the specifics of your event. 

Since this template actually provides its users with unlimited question fields, there’s no need to hold back. Gather all of the information you need in one fell swoop. Once you’re happy with your edits, you can then send the link to your form via email, or even embed it into the company website. 

5. Marketing campaign request form by JotForm 

Creative campaign Request Form by JotForm

Created with marketing agencies in mind, JotForm designed this Marketing Campaign Request Form as an efficient all-in-one solution that enables you to provide your clients with fantastic campaigns that exactly match their hopes. 

In this template form, users can fill out the targeting information for the requested campaign in detail. So they can cover information such as the company size, targeted audience, and job function. 

If you’re looking for marketing request forms in the form of a downloadable PDF, check out these useful templates. It’s never been easier to integrate these forms into your marketing strategy. 

These templates are a fantastic, quick, and easy way for you to revolutionize the efficiency and organization of your marketing. Here, you can read more about marketing operations templates you can use to simplify your work. 

Supercharge your marketing reviews

Share, review, and approve all your content in one place with Filestage.

Free, quick, and easy tools to build your marketing request form templates

If we’ve sold you on the idea of organizing yourself and your team with the use of marketing request forms, we can assure that you won’t miss the endless *ping* of your email inbox. If you’re ready to implement this project request strategy across the board, we can help you out via the next step, too. 

Below, we’ve revealed our top three free tools we’d recommend to help you create a solid marketing request form template. With these tools, you can quickly and easily create a great form template that perfectly suits the needs of your team. And we’ll help you get this new marketing strategy up and running in no time.  

While we’re on the subject of introducing extra aids for your marketing, you’ll find a fantastic list of useful software solutions and techniques in our article about Creative Content Marketing Tools,

Google Forms

Google Forms marketing project requests

Google Forms provides its users with an easy way to collect, store, and organize your marketing information in one place. (Google specializes in user-friendly simplicity, after all.)
It gives you full control over the questions that are included in your forms and the information you would like your team to provide in the marketing project requests they submit.   


jotform project request form template

If you’re looking for an online form builder with a huge bank of professional, user-friendly templates, clever features, and marketing hacks, JotForm is just the thing for your project request form template.

The forms that you make (along with the customization of the content to cover all of the information you require) can also be edited to tie in with your existing branding.


sales lead form

Designed for a stylish, professional layout, ease of use, and effortless data collection, 123FormBuilder provides a free-form creator that generates a great hassle-free way to set up your creative request form template. 

Since they offer over a thousand different form templates, you’re sure to find one that meets your brief. 

How to create a marketing request form template (plus three key things to keep in mind)

Now that we’ve covered a basic explanation, their benefits, and some examples of free software for you to choose from, it seems like it would be good to provide some key pointers about ways to create a solid, effective marketing request form. 

Ready to get started? The type of information we’d recommend in your forms (that require requesters to fill them in) usually includes:

  • Details about the individual submitting the form, including their name, email (or other contact details), department, and job title  
  • The reason for the request
  • A short description outlining the request (such as objectives, target groups, channels, etc.)
  • The team member(s) who would be involved
  • Any resources that would be required 
  • Any additional, important information
  • An estimated budget needed to complete the project
  • A predicted timescale (including the hoped-for start and end dates, or any key deadlines to work to). 

But since these forms are designed to provide an all-in-one communication solution and include all of the information required for each individual instance, they can be tailored to suit the needs of your team. They’re designed to be flexible and vary slightly on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of what is being requested.

As you go about creating your marketing request form and filling in these various fields, we have three top tips to help you make this form become a widely used solution to your current battle for a company-wide organization. 

Our three key things to keep in mind as you create your marketing project request form are:

  • Choose a constant format – Ensure that your forms are styled in a way that keeps them consistent throughout. Then they’ll be neat, visually attractive, well-organized, and easy to read. 
  • Make sure they cover all the basics – Your brain focuses on the bigger things to include, but make sure you don’t forget the smaller, basic details. (They’re just as key!) Go through the checklist we created above and carefully cross-check it with your form, in order to ensure it contains everything you need.
  • Keep it simple – Don’t overcomplicate things, and make the form you create easy for any requester to understand and use. Clarify the exact information you want them to provide, and break it down into simple, easily navigable steps. 

Download your free marketing request form checklist

To help you create a marketing request form that perfectly suits the needs of your team, we’ve built a free template that’s designed to suit Google Forms software. Since this form contains all of the key questions to ask in a neat, efficient, and organized manner, it ticks all of the boxes. You can also edit the content where necessary, so it exactly pertains to the way you plan on using it for your marketing.

How to manage your marketing request forms (with only 10 steps) 

The potential downsides to introducing marketing project request forms arise if people start submitting unclear and incomplete requests, which would then, in turn, make it difficult for you to set priorities and follow up on requests.

So below, you’ll find our advice on the best way to manage these new marketing request forms and what needs to be considered to make the usage of these forms effective – all in ten easy steps.  

Step 1: Define a channel for marketing request forms

Specify where you want to receive all marketing requests. For example, you could send a PDF via email. Choose a format that best suits your choice of tool for creating your marketing request forms. Also, make sure you then inform all of the relevant people in your organization. Then they’ll know where to find the request form template and how to send them to you.  

Step 2: Establish a folder just for marketing requests 

Then within this folder, you can create a new folder for each new request that comes in. Whether it’s on your shared team drive or in your email inbox or any other tool you are using, keep the influx of these marketing request forms organized and stored in a well-structured way. 

For example, with Filestage’s online proofing software, you can create a marketing request folder and add a new project named after the request, which is where you would upload the form.  

filestage marketing request folder

Step 3: Double-check that all the fields have been completed

Before you upload a request that you have received in your shared folder, double-check that the request includes all of the necessary information in full. Your team will get used to this over time. But at first, they might miss out or neglect a few details in the forms. 

Filestage is very helpful during this step, as you can use the software to add comments or questions to the form, then invite the requester to edit the file as a reviewer. Then they can answer these questions and update the request form accordingly.  

Step 4: Make sure that the shared folder contains all of the information that your team needs

Within the shared marketing request forms folder you’ve created, provide all of the relevant content and information that your team members need to accomplish the tasks. That way, you can store any relevant documentation in one easy-to-locate place. 

Filestage will help you achieve this goal, as it enables users to create multiple steps for different tasks, based on the request you receive. Then you can assign these steps to the relevant executive team members in your team, along with a set due date. 

Step 5: Share access to the folder

Then after this shared folder is all set up, send all the executive individuals in your team a link to it via email, along with a short explanation about what they need to do and when. 

In Filestage, these invited members of your team will automatically be informed about any steps they have been assigned. This step will help keep your entire workflow organized and well-managed, and it will ensure that these approved marketing project requests are quickly brought to life. 

Step 6: Get your team to upload their work, too

After finishing these tasks, your team members can then upload their work in this same project folder (the one that you created when the request form first came in). 

Filestage is designed for this kind of collaborative work, and all of your team members can quickly and easily upload the files they have been working on to the same shared project folder.

Step 7: Keep the requester in the loop

As these contributions come in from across your team, you can share the files with the requester via link to the folder (if possible) or via email. 

With Filestage, you can share a link to this folder with the requester, so they can become a reviewer of the folder. They will then be able to review and approve the content by confirming that it matches the specifications of their initial request. 

Step 8: Get feedback from the requester

Use this shared system to get feedback from the requester. Then ask your team to make these requested changes. Next, you can upload these revised files to the project folder. 

In Filestage, potential changes can be easily and quickly discussed by the requester, the executives, and the rest of your team. 

Step 9: Revise accordingly, and share the final version

After this process of feedback and revisions, you can provide the requester with the final version of the project. 

Filestage enables your team members and any invited reviewers to easily download and view these files.  

Step 10: Archive when completed

Everyone is happy, and the requested marketing project is completed. Now the project folder can be easily archived. 

Filestage enables you to easily archive or reactivate a project folder. In other words, you can stay on top of your workflow and manage the projects on your to-do list. 

So to summarize what we outlined above in our 10 steps to successful management of your marketing request forms, choosing Filestage as a software to help with this process brings a lot of benefits for you, your team, and any requesters from other departments. These benefits include: 

  • You can keep the initial marketing project request form, all the materials, and the results of the project in one easy-to-use shared location.
  • Filestage completely removes the need to communicate via email. It will help you stay super organized, and the whole team will stay informed about the progress of the project. Furthermore, it will automatically send emails to members of your team if they need to act. In other words, there’s no need for you to write email requests and follow-ups or assign tasks or reminders.
  • It will limit interruptions. There’s no more in-office discussions about feedback and changes. With Filestage, you can give feedback at a dedicated time that fits around your schedule.
  • Filestage will help you establish clear communication between all team members who are involved in the creation of this new marketing project.  
  • The process can work equally well with both internal colleagues and external partners, such as agencies.

If you’d like to learn more about how Filestage can support this process and help improve the communication, efficiency, and productivity of your marketing team, you can find more information about key solutions for your marketing team here

How to integrate the new marketing request form process in your organization

The best way to integrate this new marketing request form process into your organization is to keep the whole process clear and organized. With this concept in mind, we recommend a method for successfully integrating this process that will quickly and easily become the new norm for your team and everyone else included.

Create a clear process

Clearly establish a step-by-step process that outlines the way your team will go about dealing with incoming requests. We’d recommend that you read our 10 suggested steps for dealing with incoming marketing request forms that we described earlier.

Inform your team

Once you’ve established and adapted this method to best suit your team, you will need to inform all of your team members about this process. Explain the details of how it will work to them. But we also recommend that you mention why you’re introducing this change, as well as the benefits it will bring. This way, people are far more likely to adhere to the new system. 

Think about who else needs to be updated

Consider which other teams in your company will potentially wish to send you these marketing request forms. Think beyond the obvious teams that this change will influence. Then make sure to inform all members of these other teams about this change in your marketing process. And again, talk them through your thoughts behind why you changed the process and the benefits it will bring to them. 

Lead by example

Ensure that you consistently stick to your new process, even when you might be tempted to go back to your old habits and just send off a quick email. Also, keep reminding everyone else to do the same. If people start trying to work around the process, then it won’t work in the long term.  

Evaluate your process. 

After some time has passed, you’ll get a grip on these new marketing request forms. At this point, consider the effectiveness of this new process. What works well for your team? And what do you think needs improvement? Talk to your team members and any requesters from other teams, in order to get their feedback about the process. 

The great thing about this process is that it can be adapted to suit your team and your style of work. But once everyone has gotten used to this way of working, they will soon adapt to this more streamlined way of communication. Then the benefits it brings to your workflow will quickly become apparent.


When it comes to marketing, organization is the crux of a company’s success. It’s as simple as that. From the beginning of a project (when the first request comes in for its introduction) right through until the end (when you approve all the files via Filestage and declare the project all good to go), it’s key that you have a reliable, solid process in place for you and your team to adhere to. 

By integrating tools like marketing request forms into the company’s communications, you can ensure that your management of these projects is well-prioritized and organized, that deadlines are met, that your team members are listened to, and that these efforts all lead to time effectively spent.