Creative Guides

brand refresh_header

How to run a successful brand refresh project

Is your current brand feeling a little stale or outdated? Irrelevant even? No need to panic and completely overhaul your brand’s identity.

blockers in the creative review process

5 biggest blockers in the creative review process and how to fix them

The average creative review process takes eight days and three versions to get each content piece signed off. But in regulated industries like pharma, it can take up to 40 days.

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10 creative techniques you can try today

Did you know that only 25% of people believe they live up to their creative potential? This means just one thing – there's a lot of space for progress for the rest of us. 

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branding strategy examples_header image

8 best brand strategy examples from consumer goods companies

81% of consumers need to trust a brand to consider buying from it. This explains why 60% of all global marketing budgets will go toward digital branding efforts in 2024.

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catalog design_header image

How to make a catalog in 7 simple steps

Catalogs are the crème de la crème of marketing collateral. But if you want catalog marketing to work for your business, each element needs to be carefully thought-out and well-executed.

brand identity examples

How brands become icons: 9 brand identity examples 

Behind every successful brand is a carefully considered brand identity.  In this article, we’re going to pick up some tips and inspiration from nine of the most memorable brand identity examples, whether you’re building a brand from scratch or giving your existing brand identity a refresh.

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product branding

Product branding: A survival guide (+ 5 best examples) 

What made Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Walmart the most valuable brands in 2023? How did Apple rack up a brand value of $299.3 billion? What’s the secret behind McDonald’s incredible brand recognition score of 98? Product branding plays a major role.

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8 workflow automation examples to scale up your creative process 

Accuracy, efficiency, productivity, visibility, and control. These are the words you want to hear about your creative workflows. Especially if you’re producing a high volume of content in a regulated industry.

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7 tactics for effective corporate brand management

Corporate brand management is about so much more than your brand logo and color scheme. These are important, that’s for sure, but brand management extends far beyond the visuals. 

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brand guidelines examples

13 best brand guidelines examples to inspire your own style guide

Brand style guidelines are your organization's holy grail when it comes to marketing activities. Yes, they are that important. They are one place where everyone interested in featuring your brand can go to and get all the information they need. 

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Visual content creation: strategy, tools, and inspiring examples 

Modern consumers are drawn to visual content like a bee to honey, with studies showing that 94% of people prefer visual content over text-only content. 

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AI content creation – 7 top tools and 18 ways to use them

Over the past year, AI content creation has become a hot topic for marketers everywhere. Our recent report on the impact of AI on the lives of marketing professionals found that 76% are already using AI to create marketing content, with 42% using it weekly or even daily. 

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brochure design software

The 10 best brochure design software for your marketing team

Brochure design software helps marketers and designers create eye-catching and informative brochures that resonate with the target audience and turn prospects into clients. In this article we show you how to create a brochure using the best brochure design software.

brand guidelines

How to Create Brand Guidelines Your Team Will Love

The brand guideline document is designed to keep every element of the company’s branded content consistent and in line with the established look, feel and design of the brand. Get to know how you create professional brand guidelines for your marketing team.

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web design workflow

What you need to know to build a web design workflow

A web design workflow is a set of processes that encompasses all of the work steps required to create a website. A good web design workflow helps you to ensure that your website is well-structured, has a consistent design and includes all of the necessary information your audience might be searching for.

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website content

How to Create High-Quality Website Content

Website content is a mix of written copy, visuals and video or audio elements. The skill is to find the right balance of all of these elements, to make your website stand out. Here's everything you need to know to turn your website into an indispensable place for customers, partners, applicants and all other audiences.

marketing campaigns

All You Need to Know to Create a Successful Marketing Campaign

A creative out-of-the-box campaign requires thorough planning and preparation. And if you manage to tick all the right boxes, the results will bring your business to the next level. But what are the important steps for setting up a successful marketing campaign?

content creation process

The Best Way to Master Your Content Creation Process

Content creation does not have to be chaotic to generate fruitful results. By adding the right structures, processes, and tools you can make the most out of your valuable resources.

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How to master content governance and build a model that suits your needs

Creating impactful content is a lot about creativity and providing a new perspective on an existing topic. But great content requires more than a spark of creativity...

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creative tools

23 game-changing creative tools to rev up your marketing team

Over the course of an average day, marketing professionals apply their analytical abilities to campaigns and often need to quickly switch to fun creative work. That's why it’s so important for marketers to use the right tools and techniques. We're here to help.

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The most comprehensive guide on explainer videos (incl. 13+ templates and examples)

Explainer videos are very popular, and there’s a good reason why. These videos help businesses explain their products and services, which makes it easier for their customers and business partners to make informed decisions.

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Creative Process

4 Simple Steps to Master Your Creative Process

Creativity is so important in this day and age. It can be the mother of invention, offer solutions to any number of problems and work as the incentive to produce works of art that can include paintings, songs, books, pieces of music….and the list goes on. If you work in an ad agency, being creative is part of the job. But being creative doesn’t come as easily to some as it does for others and it can be especially difficult to be creative if it is part of your everyday routine. Understanding the creative process can help you better understand what it takes to get your mind brainstorming out of the box solutions making it easier for you to churn out great ideas every on a regular basis.

Growing a three person marketing agency into a multi-million dollar, 26 employee agency was single handedly the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. Startup growth is a test of endurance, character, and sheer will power, and it can beat down the strongest people who try it.

7 Tips To Building a Successful Creative Team

Growing a three person marketing agency into a multi-million dollar, 26 employee agency was single handedly the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. Startup growth is a test of endurance, character, and sheer will power, and it can beat down the strongest people who try it.

The 33 Best Types of Marketing Collateral

A massive guide to the best types of marketing collateral

Marketing collateral is any material that tells your customers who you are and what you do. However, there are so many types of marketing collateral in the business environment that it can be challenging trying to decide on the best one to use.

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Free House of Quality template and guide for 2021

Free House of Quality template and guide for 2023

To define the characteristics of products and services according to customer expectations, the so-called House of Quality can help. Here's how you can create a House of Quality in a practical way that will ensure your product development process is guided and optimized for consumer satisfaction.

Character Bio Template – How to Create A Character Bio

Creating a new character for your story is magic. You breathe life into a new and exciting character. Apart from that, it is also highly important for writing a coherent and logical story. Hence, you should know your characters (at least) as good as your mother.

A workplace should overflow with creativity. In most companies, the creative mindset is missing. Creativity comes to you at times and in places that you wouldn’t expect. You cannot force creativity to happen, but you can develop a creative workplace. And this workplace will inspire a creative mindset. In the end, you’ll have a more creative workflow between your employees and managers.

29 Tips by Award-Winning Companies on How To Increase Creativity in the Workplace

A workplace should overflow with creativity. In most companies, the creative mindset is missing. Creativity comes to you at times and in places that you wouldn’t expect. You cannot force creativity to happen, but you can develop a creative workplace. And this workplace will inspire a creative mindset. In the end, you’ll have a more creative workflow between your employees and managers.

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pros and cons of working at a film production

10 Pros and Cons of Working at a Film Production

Working at a film production is a great experience for creative artists and offers many opportunities to express yourself creatively. But as with everything, there are always two sides of the coin. Here are the pros and cons of working at a film production company!

Free Postproduction Templates for Filmmakers

46 Free Templates for Filmmakers - Part 3: Post-Production

We’ve gathered the best post-production templates for you. If you are looking for evaluation templates, editing logs and music releases - then you have come to the right place!

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Script Breakdown Header Image

6 Ways To Quickly Create A Script Breakdown

Do you ever have trouble organizing your script? Check out this guest post by StudioBinder, where they show you how to easily create a script breakdown.

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Free Preproduction Templates for Filmmakers

Free Templates for Filmmakers - Part 1: Pre-Production

We’ve collected the 163 best free pre-production templates, such as storyboard templates, budget sheets, location releases and many more. No more unnecessary paperwork anymore, promise!

storyboard template

Free storyboard template (PDF + PowerPoint file)

The story catches the attention of your audience and lets them relate to your product or service. A great way to structure a storyline is a storyboard. Bring your ideas to life with our a free storyboard template. Download it here.


How to Write a Storyboard

In film and video business it’s all about the story and the storyline. A great tool to structure the story of a film is a storyboard. Learn here how to write a useful and effective storyboard.

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Not everyone has the privilege to create advertising for exciting brands like Red Bull, Old Spice & Nike. The truth is that most people in the advertising industry face clients who sell soap to retirees. What storytelling techniques will work here?

15 Storytelling Techniques for Boring Brands: How to Create an Effective Ad Campaign

Not everyone has the privilege to create advertising for exciting brands like Red Bull, Old Spice & Nike. The truth is that most people in the advertising industry face clients who sell soap to retirees. What storytelling techniques will work here?

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buyer persona

The best buyer persona template for 2023 – definitions, guidelines, and examples

Creating buyer personas is a fantastic strategy for understanding your customers’ needs. Get started with our template that helps you creating compelling buyer personas that boost the value of your business!

The Ultimate Creative Brief Template (and How to Use it)

The ultimate creative brief template and how to use it

Before embarking on any project, whether big or small, you need to define the goals for the project and make clear plans for achieving them. This will help you and your team to understand the objective of the project and complete it without any hitches. 

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Creative Brief

10 Points Every Creative Brief Must Contain

Working without a clear creative brief, is like driving with broken headlights at night. This 10 points make every creative brief ready for the road